If You Are Experiencing A Mental Health Crisis
Please Call The National Mental Health Hotline: 988
Or Call: 866-866-6505
Line is Available 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week
How to Access Our Services:
Keenyn and Ray explain to reach out to Community Counseling to start receiving treatment/services.
How to Access Our Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services:
Keenyn explains to reach out to Community Counseling to start receiving treatment/services that are related to Addiction and Substance Abuse.
Civil Commitment in Mississippi:
Keenyn and Ray explain the Civil Commitment process in Mississippi and how it relates to Community Counseling Services.
The Intensive Community Outreach and Recovery Team:
Richard and Ron explain what the I-CORT team handles for Community Counseling Services.
The Mobile Crisis Emergency Response Team:
Richard and Veronica explain what the MCERT does for our community.